The Shadow
| Postado por
Thais Pampado
What do you do when you wither and suffer?
Clenching hands in a tight grip.
Don't falter,
Don't let the wall come down.
Look through the glass that's cracking.
There's a shadow always lurking,
It sees your weakness, feeds from it.
You fight it with all your strenght,
but it always comes back.
All you can do is push it away.
Lock the cage for as long as you can.
On the outside, there's nothing but pieces put together for the world.
On the inside, the constant battle.
You can't erase the presence of the shadow.
It's always there.
And it wants to come out.
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thoughts. everything, but nothing at all.
| Postado por
Thais Pampado
So you think you can win?
Endure the pain, learn to control, find the strenght.
Cross the limits.
Or do you want to fail?
Never give up. Try harder. Reinvent yourself.
Others can't help you.
Leave it all behind you.
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Quem escreve

Thais Pampado. 20 anos. Escritora e estudante de Produção Editorial. Apaixonada por livros e por escrever. Lê praticamente qualquer gênero, mas tem uma paixão especial por fantasia e YA.
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