
9 AM.

It’s time for the neighborhood kids to go to the playground.

A little boy and a little girl meet at the sandbox.

They look at each other.

She smiles.

He smiles back. His front tooth is missing.

She laughs. She likes him.

He grabs a fistful of sand. He throws it in her face.

She cries.

He laughs. He likes her.

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Quem escreve

Quem escreve
Thais Pampado. 20 anos. Escritora e estudante de Produção Editorial. Apaixonada por livros e por escrever. Lê praticamente qualquer gênero, mas tem uma paixão especial por fantasia e YA.
Tecnologia do Blogger.


2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
Thais has read 0 books toward her goal of 100 books.